Lower Body Workout #1

This workout is my very favorite for leg day. It’s quick and will turn your legs and glutes to jelly if you use heavy enough weights. I do this usually on Wednesdays because I have an easy 4-5 miles on Thursdays, perfect for shaking out the DOMS.


3 sets of:

Main Workout

Each exercise is 3 sets. 10 reps for each exercise for high rep, low weight days; 5 reps with heavier weight. All exercises can use dumbbells or the barbell. Abs are done during the rest period; all abs work is 10 reps.

  • Bulgarian split squats
  • Reverse lunges – do at a deficit (stand on a raised surface and your back leg goes to the floor) to add difficulty and range
  • Lateral band (monster) walks – 10 steps each direction
  • Romanian deadlifts
  • Calf raises – optional if doing light weights or you get enough hill or distance running like I do
  • Leg press machine or barbell back squats if you don’t have back issues like I do
  • Horizontal woodchoppers using resistance machine
  • Vertical woodchoppers using resistance machine
